About Us

Here at Orchard Hill

We believe that God has called us to the following missions & vision, and we are called to steward these from Him and participate with Him in building His Kingdom. This has been a journey of discovery as our congregation has walked with Christ!

Our Mission

Helping next generations encounter and follow Jesus to bless a broken world.

Our Strategies

Belong in Community

Commit to a group of people who share life and faith in Jesus to bless a broken world.

Invest in Others

Discover your spiritual gifts and unique place in God's story to serve others.

Worship God

Participate weekly in corporate worship to praise God, learn, and remember how to live for Him.

Engage the Bible

Read and reflect regularly on God's Word to know him more.

Our Missional Marks

Be Loved

• Identify as God’s deeply loved child

• Live in God’s grace

• Practice receiving God’s love

• Free yourself from the need for others’ approval

Love God

• Take time to be with God

• Trust God by living in Jesus’ way

• Honor God with your best gifts

• Enjoy God and His gifts

• Collaborate in God’s work

Love Yourself

• View yourself as flawed, forgiven, and free

• Live in freedom and grace

• Choose joy, peace, and rest without guilt

Love Your Neighbors

• See and value others

• Connect with your neighbors

• Treat people as Jesus did

• Share your resources

Love Your Enemies

• Pray for your enemies

• Serve your enemies

• Listen to and learn from your enemies

• Confess to and forgive your enemies

We Believe

WE BELIEVE there is one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Creator of all that is, unlimited in His power, holiness and love. Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19

WE BELIEVE all humanity, though created in the image of God and of infinite worth to Him, is so affected by sin that every part of one's life is marred by it, and therefore no person can by himself or herself be saved from God's punishment for sin, which is hell. Genesis 1:27; Romans 7:5; Romans 3:23

WE BELIEVE Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, whose substitutionary death on the cross was for the sins of humanity and makes possible the offer of forgiveness and salvation to all who believe in Him, seek His forgiveness, and live under His Lordship. Romans 8:1-4; Romans 8:32-34

WE BELIEVE the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that it teaches us without error what we should believe and how we should live. II Timothy 3:16-17

WE BELIEVE the Church everywhere in the world is the Body of Christ, commissioned to bring the love and salvation of God to the world. Acts 1:8; II Corinthians 5:18-20

WE BELIEVE Jesus Christ is coming again to earth to judge the world, destroy the works of Satan, and take Christ's followers to heaven, their eternal home. I Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 20:10; John 14:3