• Weather Update: 12-13 @ 8:30pm.

  • Saturday store: Due to inclement weather, the store is CLOSED for 12-14-24. Shoppers check your email for further instructions.

Volunteer for Event

Ready to join a team? Get started by signing up here! 

Sign Up To Volunteer!

Volunteer Descriptions

Greeter Team:

Greeters, Stand in Line Hospitality, Escort groups, Stand at Exits. [standing/walking]

4 volunteer spots for each day

  • 2 Indoor Spots: Greeters, Hospitality, Stand at Exit.
  • 2 Outdoor Spots: Greet outside, parking lot help as needed, shovel sidewalks during inclement weather.

Hospitality Team:

Create welcoming atmosphere for shoppers with friendly conversation & help clean up tables between shifts.  [standing/walking]

2 volunteer spots for each day

  • Maintain food & drink table as needed, clean up after each group goes through [standing/cleaning]
  • Sit & Talk with guests as they wait for their turn to shop [sitting/talking/help pass the wait time]

Personal Shopper:

Love meeting new people, assist them while shopping, can carry gifts/coats/babies. [standing/carrying/walking/multi-task]

20 volunteer spots each day

  • Walk with shopper, get to know them/needs, help with gifts from shopping to wrapping to exit.

Cashier & Battery Team:

Take money, make change, batteries needed [standing/sitting/lots of counting!]

5 volunteer spots each day

  • Cashier-Takes money, makes change
  • Helper-gathers gift cards & batteries for toys needed

Family Gift Helper:

Hand out extra gifts to families [standing/helping]

4 volunteer spots

  • Pass out extra gifts & assist as needed
  • Wear comfortable shoes, lots of standing.

Gift Wrapper Team:

Love to wrap gifts [standing/sitting/paper cuts]

20 volunteer spots

  • Wrap gifts for shoppers or assist them as needed
  • Bring your own scissors

Prayer Team:

Pray with families who shop at the Store! [standing/sitting/encouragement/prayer]

4 volunteer spots for each day


Please contact Lisa Opheim at lisafopheim@gmail.com

Important Information

Christmas Store Volunteers must be 18 years or older to serve.

What to know about volunteering:

There are 2 different dates to serve, you may serve more than one day.

There will be no childcare during the Christmas Store. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Volunteer Coordinator:
Lisa Opheim, lisafopheim@gmail.com

Our mission is to empower families while building community through the power of exchange.